Why Using ConCEPS As A Height Safety Measure is Essential
Slips, trips and falls are common accidents in all workplaces. Most of these accidents have no or very minor consequences. Some of them, however, have very serious consequences, up to and including death. Falls from height are particularly dangerous. Mitigating their risk should therefore be a top priority for employers.

Why It’s Vital To Work Safely At Heights
According to data from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), one of the main causes of fatal injuries within the construction industry is falling from heights. In addition, they account for an average of 80 major injuries and a further 230 over-3-day absence injuries each year.
The HSE highlights that serious falls can occur when working at heights of less than 2M. For comparison, a standard shipping container is about 2.5M (8’ 6”) in height.
The Practicalities Of Working Safely At Heights
The HSE offers guidance on how to manage working at height in a safe way. This guidance reflects its general stance on managing hazards. If possible, employers should prevent the need for their workers to be at height. If that is not possible, employers should take measures to make working at height as safe as possible.
What this means in practice will depend on the situation. For example, making permanent safe access arrangements is only likely to be practical when frequent access is required over the long term.
With that said, the HSE is also clear that employers should not rely on equipment simply being on hand when it is needed. By extension, it can be inferred that employers should also avoid using safety equipment outside its intended use.
In practical terms, therefore, employers need to look for ways to mitigate risks that are effective in the environment where they are used, but still affordable. This is where ConCEPS can help.
ConCEPS Complements Fall Protection Safety Equipment
ConCEPS is the abbreviation for Container Collective Edge Protection System. It is suitable for use with shipping containers sized between 10 and 40 feet. ConCEPS provides collective edge protection, in that it protects all those personnel working on top of the container and thus eliminating the need for fall arrest safety equipment.
The ConCEPS system comprises four corner posts and two intermediate posts together with upper- and intermediate-level fall-prevention ratchet straps and an access gate. The four corner posts are sufficient on their own when used on 10’ shipping containers. For larger sizes, the two intermediate posts offer extra security. We also offer a gate for ease of access and egress. In addition, all posts can be fitted with toeboards.
There is also a 3-piece base post that hooks into the top container lug and locks into the bottom container lug. This can be fitted by one person at ground level. It therefore facilitates installation when access to the edge is restricted (e.g. due to installed plants).
Benefits Of Investing In ConCEPS
The headline benefit of ConCEPS is improved safety. It does, however, also provide several benefits. Here are three of the main ones:
More Efficient Use Of Space
Being able to access the tops of shipping containers safely and easily means that the full volume and floor area of the shipping container can be utilised. Even if it is not required for goods, it may be used for equipment that needs regular maintenance, for example:
- HVAC on top of containers
- Exhausts on top of energy centres
- Securing cars on ships
Improved Operational Efficiency
Safety issues are disrupted. In the immediate aftermath of an incident, there is the need to care for the casualty. After the casualty is safe, businesses need to restore normal operations and may need to deal with an investigation.
Reduced Exposure To Liability
Safety issues are also expensive. Even if no compensation or sanctions are payable, the disruption caused by safety incidents is costly in itself.
To find out more about our ConCEPS fall protection and how it can help you, please get in touch with us today!

Image Source: Canva