Why Are Portable Steel Gantries Beneficial For Construction Projects?
Gantries play a key role in construction projects. A temporary gantry may be brought in for a specific purpose. Alternatively, one or more gantries may be kept on-site to be used whenever needed. Often, a steel gantry is the go-to choice when working on-site. Let’s explore why.
Steel is strong
Most of the reasons for choosing a steel gantry relate to the strength of steel, what it’s able to withstand and how stable it is when in use. Let’s go into more detail on why these are key for your construction project.
Durability: One of the main reasons that steel gantries are preferred is that they are highly durable. This is particularly true of SHEARFORCE steel gantries, which are built in the UK and subjected to ISO 9001:2015-standard quality checks. This ensures that they remain safe and reliable over the long term.
High load capacity: A gantry’s basic purpose is to hold loads off the ground. The more weight a gantry can hold, the more potential uses it has. Steel gantries have a high load capacity, making them a practical choice for more demanding environments such as plant rooms.
Stability: The fact that steel gantries are heavier than aluminium means that, on a like-for-like basis, they are incredibly stable when in use. This extra stability makes it easier to make the most of steel’s high load capacity.
The practicalities of steel gantries
The individual benefits of steel gantries make them a highly practical and convenient option for most construction jobs. Here are just three of the ways they make workers’ lives easier.
Easily portable and robust
They are able to withstand heavy-handedness, although one should never abuse their tools. Steel gantries are particularly useful in COMAH (Control of Major Accident Hazards) sites in the gas, oil and Petro-chemical environments as being made out of steel makes it compatible with these working environments as they share the same type of material that surrounds it. Steel and aluminium are dissimilar metals, and aluminium and corroded steel could cause a spark.
They are easy to assemble
The robust character of steel makes it easy to assemble, particularly in challenging conditions. For example, you don’t have to worry about a component being damaged if it slips from your hand and hits the ground.
SHEARFORCE steel gantries are designed with easy assembly in mind. They pack into a compact holdall that can be wheeled to the assembly point. If you wish, you can personalise this holdall with your business name and/or logo.
Once in place, they can be assembled by just two people. Furthermore, their independently rotating heads (patented design) make it easy to work around obstacles. The main benefit is that it delivers the most flexibility to work in confined spaces. For completeness, SHEARFORCE steel gantries are also as easy to take down as they are to assemble.
They can withstand harsh conditions
Steel has long been the metal of choice for demanding environments and purposes. Its strength and quality are apparent, and steel gantries can withstand regular environmental hazards such as frost and rain.
This means steel gantries are the standard choice for particularly challenging locations such as workshops, factories, shipping and plant rooms.
Contact us today
If you’d like to find out more about how our steel gantries can benefit your project, then be sure to get in touch today.